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WC-029 Balance/Believe


SKU: WC-029

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Product Description

6 X 13”
Follow your heart, and if your heart tells you to learn a new language, become a teacher, make art–or see masterpieces, write a song, explore, write a book or make a movie–hit the road (which might end up being your front porch). When you stand at a crossroad, look both ways. Weigh good and bad, pro and con, yes and no. Change is good. The sweet relief of finding the place, the moment that gives you freedom, bliss and balance is worth the effort. Make a wish; don’t look back. Focus on what’s important. Seeing clearly adjusts perspective and increases happiness exponentially.
Yin/Yang symbolizes dark to bright and harmony to balance. It describes how opposite forces are actually complementary, interconnected and interdependent in nature. They are the two halves that complete one another.