WC-082 Protect The Dancer


SKU: WC-082

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Product Description

6 X 13″
Whatever you call it: charm, magic, spirit animal, amulet, luck, talisman or reinforcement of faith, understand the power of belief. Believe to your heart’s content, agree to disagree, no matter. Full speed ahead in the knowledge that you are watched over and protected. Safe journey!
Athlete, artist, crafter. Ballerina and premier danseur are pure romance, the stuff of fairytales. The paint that an artist lays carefully on a canvas can endure for lifetimes, whether masterpiece or family treasure. Light becomes not merely a subject but an ally and guide as well to the painter, photographer and filmmaker alike. The lens–your eye–inspires accordingly. And music is eternal, bringing joy and solace, inspiration and passion to its listeners and performers. A little luck, skill, patience and a lot of skin in the game and the puzzle pieces fall together effortlessly, no matter how long it takes. Just don’t slip when you’re singing in the shower…